Kamis, 04 Maret 2010

only a few suggestions that are related to long distance ..

I want to pour here is a thing that did I do with a person or rather the people closest to me right now. in long-distance relationship would be a lot of mixed feelings that we feel good that there are feelings of joy or sadness as well because we left a lot there and will rarely meet with him (our partner). often distrust issues, jealous of the couple, always suspicious of him is a matter of problems that can make us and our partners are committed an long distance relationship will not last forever why I say that?? because I experienced it myself, experiencing how the ebb and flow of long-distance relationship that mood because it's mixed rare condition when we unite and our partners, to be honest when I first made this connection, my heart is not willing to let it go away but what else could it indeed be occurred. Most problems are more likely to experience communication problems are not going according to our naturally associated with the boyfriend, communication is really a rodent, or even a relationship break our relationship with our partner, to that when the long-distance relationships should throw away feeling selfish or want to win own if it was still great feeling within us is just an argument that will only happen, and it was not so good in the development of our relationship with our boyfriends. so the main thing we are in doing this relationship.

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